GeoGebra 是什么?
GeoGebra is a dynamic mathematics software for all levels of education that brings together geometry, algebra, spreadsheets, graphing, statistics and calculus in one engine. In addition, GeoGebra offers an online platform with over 1 million free classroom resources created by our multilingual community. These resources can be easily shared through our collaboration platform GeoGebra Classroom where student progress can be monitored in real time.
GeoGebra is a community of millions of users located in just about every country. It has become the leading provider of dynamic mathematics software, supporting science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and innovations in teaching and learning worldwide. GeoGebra’s math engine powers hundreds of educational websites worldwide in different ways from simple demonstrations to full online assessment systems.
In 2021, GeoGebra became part of the BYJU’S family with hundreds of millions of students on their learning platforms. GeoGebra’s apps, classroom resources, GeoGebra Classroom & other features will continue to be available to the public for free. GeoGebra continues to operate as an independent unit within the BYJU’S group under the leadership of GeoGebra’s original founders and developers.
易用的界面, 另外有许多强大的功能
开源软件 非商业用户随手可得
Archimedes 2016: MNU Award in category Mathematics (Hamburg, Germany)
Microsoft Partner of the Year Award 2015: Finalist, Public Sector: Education (Redmond, WA, USA)
MERLOT Classics Award 2013: Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)
NTLC Award 2010: National Technology Leadership Award (Washington D.C., USA)
Tech Award 2009: Laureat in the Education Category (San Jose, California, USA)
BETT Award 2009: Finalist in London for British Educational Technology Award Community Choice Awards 2008: Finalist, Best Project for Educators
AECT Distinguished Development Award 2008: Association for Educational Communications and Technology (Orlando, USA)
Learnie Award 2006: Austrian Educational Software Award (Vienna, Austria)
eTwinning Award 2006: 1st prize for “Crop Circles Challenge” with GeoGebra (Linz, Austria)
Les Trophées du Libre 2005: International Free Software Award, category Education (Soisson, France)
Comenius 2004: German Educational Media Award (Berlin, Germany)
Learnie Award 2005: Austrian Educational Software Award (Vienna, Austria)
digita 2004: German Educational Software Award (Cologne, Germany)
Learnie Award 2003: Austrian Educational Software Award (Vienna, Austria)
EASA 2002: European Academic Software Award (Ronneby, Sweden)
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